Beating Burnout

Let’s get real for a minute, Mamas: the May gauntlet is R-E-A-L. It has all the schedule demands of December, except instead of being followed by the kids going back to school it’s followed by summer break!

When it comes to stressful seasons, preventing burnout has to be a priority because I’ve been there and it only makes those stressful times longer and harder. Have you been there too? Burnout is a stress condition that leads to severe physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion because are producing too much cortisol for too long. Much worse than ordinary fatigue, burnout makes it challenging to cope with stress and handle day-to-day responsibilities. Exhaustion, anxiety, irritability, a weakened immune system, poor digestion, headaches and sleeplessness are some of the symptoms. Not fun - for us or those around us!

Preventing burnout requires small daily disciplines that help manage our time and capacity.  I tend to go until I can’t anymore, so permission for downtime and a break from being productive are critical to my well-being, especially when it feels like there’s always just “one more thing” I could squeeze into the day. When I make my self-care routines a scheduled part of my day, it shifts the perspective from an indulgence to a necessity.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to unwind that don’t cost a dime:

  • A bath to unwind in the evening

  • Getting to bed early to get a good night of sleep 

  • Getting up before family for morning quiet time

  • Getting time for my workouts

  • Making time for meal planning and prep for good nutrition

  • Time outside!

  • Watch a movie

  • Intentional time away from social media

I’m also a big proponent of scheduled time away - whether it's a weekend getaway, a date night, or lunch with a girlfriend.

Speaking of preventing burnout, here are a few clean beauty & self-care items I’m loving right now! Mother’s Day is coming up - there’s no better time to pamper yourself AND the Mamas in your life!

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